# Runner info

The info page shows a list of runner keys and test results.

Runner page

# Runner keys

A runner key is required to run tests by the cli. A default runner key is created when you sign up. Runner keys are unique to each user as they represent the user.

Runner keys

Each key list item shows:

  • the name of the keys;
  • the date it was last used, if any; and
  • the number of times it has been used, if greater than 0.

Key item

You can copy the key by clicking Copy button. You can also delete the key by clicking Delete button and then confirming the deletion.

Confirm delete

# Create a runner key

Click Create button to show the key creation form and then enter the name of the key.

Runner form

Click Save button to create a key with the provided name or click Cancel button to cancel creation.

# Test results

Test results of test runs are stored and kept for the number of days specified on your account plan and are available for viewing until deleted.

Test results are also unique to the user. This means that you are only able to see the results of tests run by you.

Test results

Each result item shows

  • the date the test result was captured
  • the title of the tested scenario
  • The number of lines that passed
  • The number of lines that failed

Test results item

Click View details button to view the details of the lines that passed and failed - green indicates pass and red indicates failed.

Test result details